Pop Up- Live Spring Journal REPLAY with Jenny Grant

Art journal lesson free

Seasonal Flow - An Inspirational Journey Through The Seasons Starts 6th of February for 4 weeks with Jenny Grant

Set your creative practice up for a year long flow through the seasons.

The next session of Seasonal Flow begins on the 6th of February- get ready for Spring to work your creative practice through the year with Seasonal Flow.

You might also enjoy Jenny’s Collage Paper Pop Up HERE & Winter Seasonal Pop Up HERE

To go deeper with Jenny and her creative flow process through the seasons explore her workshop Seasonal Flow which you can learn more about HERE

Pop Up Bonus- Dreaming into 2023

Visioning 2023 with Fonda Clark Haight

It's that time of year for me again...and even though I've been fighting some physical battles, I am beginning my process of visioning what I would like to bring into 2023. Here's a sneak peek at the beginning of my process. Forgive my lisping...I'm still struggling with the after effects of jaw surgery. For those interested you can find more info on this class at www.artismagic.online "Dream On"

Card Decks

The messenger Cards-Sandra Kunz

The Shaman Oracle-Colette Baron Reid

A wee star in the forest- Tricia Murray

Into the lonely woods-Lucy Cavendish and Dan May

The Folk tales Tarot-Theodore Kittelsen

I want to make sure I mention the artists that I can remember for the tags in my junk journal. You guys should know I never sell these because they contain art, usually in the form of art cards, other than mine. That makes me treasure them all the more. Micki Wilde had mentioned she saw one of her girls...and I realized I need to mention her wonderful art and the rest. It takes a village for artists to make a living so I am all about sharing my artist friends and their work. So here goes Deborah J Quintana, Leslie Wood Dori Patrick...definitely check out their art if you don't know them!!!

Fonda Xx

Share in the comments what you are visioning for yourself for next year so we can hold each other's visions…


Pop Up- Hands Study with Emma Petitt

Painting hands with Emma Petitt

Hi Everyone.

When I occasionally ask people what they would like to see more of, to learn more of? Two things always pop up!
Painting Hands
And how to loosen up their Style.

So in this little pop up session I will share with you one of my morning hand studies.

I use these as a way to warm up and loosen up before a full day in the studio.

This is an exercise with no clear plan or end result expected. I work intuitively , sometimes with a reference, other times without. The idea is to keep the style loose and not turn it into an Anatomical Study. This way of working is way more about gesture than knuckles. We all know its all about Practice but I personally find those ‘How to Draw a Hand’ tutorials and images all rather dull. So this is my way, the Emma way to Practice hands, a little bit of anatomy, some tonal values and alot of colour!

Hands appear in all of my work and in all of my Workshops somewhere along the way. So I hope this little session will inspire you to try including more hands in your work. They are so important to visual story telling and emotional creative expression.

Things I used:
A3 sheet of water colour paper
High Flow acrylics (you could use inks)
A squeegee
Water spray
A black Sharpie China Graph pencil
Titanium white,
Raw sienna and Pyrole red for skin tones
Turquoise green for background
Black stabilo mark all for definition.

I hope you can join me for my Brand New workshop, "Taking Up Space" and my other workshops “Hands”, “Boldness” and “Soul Sisters”.

Emma Xx
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