Whispers a mixed media art workshop with Holly McLaughlin


Creating Deep Art From Quiet Inspiration

with Holly McLaughlin

Starts on the 17th of October, 2022

 Inspiration exists in the present moments of everyday life. We can hear inspiration through the gentle voice inside us. We can see it in the small, sacred details of nature and in the simple charm of ordinary man-made objects. 

In this mixed-media class, our intention is to mindfully open ourselves to be guided by the soft whispers and quiet beauty of our inner and outer landscapes. 

This workshop is for anyone who wants to be inspired by the present moment and bring forth a unique dialogue between expressive figure drawings, moody atmosphere, and mysterious symbolism. We will work in our art journals, focusing primarily on using water-soluble graphite supplies. 

4 Week workshop begins the 17th of October
Due to the digital nature of this and instant access all sales are final :)

 The Format: 

Join Holly in creating moody mixed-media pieces in your art journal. 

While we will experiment with a range of supplies, the focus of this class will mostly be how to use water-soluble graphite. We'll take a basic look into grayscale and learn how to use limited supplies to create a range of values. We’ll develop a collection of symbols and personal marks, design our own handmade fodder for collage, explore ways to create atmospheric texture and mood, and play with loose lines to draw expressive figures intuitively. Finally, moving into our art journals, we will infuse what we've learned and created into finished pieces with expressive figures, texture, atmosphere and symbolism. 

This workshop encourages you to learn how to create from your own sources of inspiration, through your own creative process, and in your own style. You will learn ways to help you connect more deeply with your process and your unique visual language. 

☆ 4 week workshop
☆ Over 9 hours of video 
☆ Support text for each lesson 
☆ Exploring texture and atmosphere 
☆ Making marks 
☆ Creating fodder for collage 
☆ Collecting symbols 
☆ Drawing intuitive figures 
☆ 4 complete art journal spreads
☆ Supplies List HERE 

By the end of this workshop, you will be encouraged to listen and look for quiet inspiration within yourself and the world around you. 

4 Week workshop begins the 17th of October
Due to the digital nature of this and instant access all sales are final :)



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