Classwork- Emerge

Oh my, putting this classwork showcase together was hard because there were a zillion special testimonials to pick from, so loved is this class. I didn’t want to overwhelm with them all so I have popped on just a few to allow the beautiful work speaks for itself. Take a look…

“Holly McLaughlin's Emerge class was one of my favorite classes I've ever taken. I've only been taking classes for about 5 years but I'm starting to get more adventurous with the direction my art goes in. Holly's Emerge class really caught my eye because it was so unique. Once I was actually in the class I loved it because I  was able to let my imagination wander and use all of the tools I had learned over the years but put a creative spin to it that I didn't have before. And plus it was very fun. I really enjoyed it. And that is what art is all about.”

-Jeanne Uelk Champion

“Quirky, mystical characters intrigue me.  I wanted to paint just like Holly McLaughlin. I signed up for the Emerge workshop fully expecting to mimic Holly’s style exactly. I am not disappointed that this did not happen for me.  I could have tried to duplicate each lesson as closely as I could to resemble Holly’s pieces, but I personally didn’t feel that this was the point of the lessons.

The biggest thing I took from completing the lessons was not to concentrate on painting like Holly but to learn from her techniques – her methods of layering and removing layers, making marks, and repurposing older original work into new pieces and to embrace creating in my own style.
Thank you to Holly McLaughlin and Art is Magic for sharing this fresh approach to learning and creating.  I have gained confidence in my unique creative voice.”

Debra Vicars

“Holly is holding the most safe and inspiring space to dive deep into the journey of both the art and your own inner artists. Emerge is a unique invitation to listen to the subtle voice of your soul. This course is so full of magical techniques that healing and happiness arises.”

-Anja Smed

Galia Alena

I’m a visual poet working in just about any medium I can lay my hands on although I am a professionally trained photographer and a so called “self-taught” artist (of course there have been many teachers on that path). I’m in love with the creative process. I’m a beauty unveiler, light huntress, moment caresser and visionary poetess. Ultimately, all of my work is about helping people peel back the layers to experience the intense beauty of each moment allowing access to both their intuitive wisdom and a deeper connection to spirit and self. (Because the beauty of this life cracks our hearts open and it is through the cracks that light can flow both in and out and connect us back to our divine selves) That is what I do and I do it through photography, art, journaling and teaching. I live in the insanely beautiful Blue Mountains, just shy of Sydney, with my family, our cat and all the winged ones who frequent our garden. Each day here is a wondrous delight of tiny miracles through either the glorious light or magical mists. I would love to work with you, have a look around and see where you are called... "Where I create, there I am true." Rilke

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